Gary IversonCEO
Since graduating from Montana State University with a BS in Agronomy, Gary has spent nearly 50 years farming, ranching, and operating grain and seed businesses. He is a certified crop advisor, small town mayor, and Board of Directors member for the Port of Northern Montana. His farm near Sunburst, MT, grows only our PrOatina gluten free oats. He is one of the founding members of the Western Triangle Agricultural Experiment Station, Great Northern Growers Cooperative, and Montana Gluten Free Processors, LLC. Gary and his granddaughter have been eating gluten free for many years now!

Bruce WrightCFO
Bruce Wright, our Chief Financial Officer, is a fourth generation farmer from Bozeman, MT. He graduated from Montana State University with a BS in Business and a MS in Management & Industrial Engineering. Currently, Bruce works the family farm right down the road from our processing facility, serves as Vice President of the Montana Farm Bureau, and, of course, is very involved in the day to day business at Montana Gluten Free. Bruce is on the National Board of Directors for Farm Bureau Insurance. He is one of the founding members of Great Northern Growers and of Montana Gluten Free Processors, LLC.

Dean MillerBoard Member
Dean Miller is one of the founding members of Montana Gluten Free Processors, LLC. He was raised on a farm near Bozeman, MT. Dean served in the U.S. Coast Guard directly after graduating from high school. He spent some years working for Nutri-bio, We Care Products and as an insurance adjuster before returning to the family farm in 1993. Dean was one of the founding members of Great Northern Growers. He is affliated with the Montana Farm Bureau Federation and Rocky Mountain Supply Cooperative. Dean recently retired from farming, but is still a board member of Montana Gluten Free Processors, LLC.
Find out who grew your food!
Each package is marked with a letter code to identify the farmer. See the code in parenthesis after each name below.
Our Farmers

Mark Armstrong (A)Farmer
M & L Farms Inc in Choteau, Montana is where Mark, Lyla and Sam Armstrong grow PrOatina for Montana Gluten Free. Mark struggled with multiple sclerosis for many years before switching to a gluten free diet made up in part of Montana Gluten Free products. Mark credits his gluten free diet for minimizing his MS symptoms.

Casey & Kelsey, Bob & Linda Bailey (B)Farmer
Bailey Farms grows both organic and conventional PrOatina oats on their farms in Montana.

Cecil Goodman (G)Farmer
Choteau Montana Organic

Eli and Velvet Hubbard (H)Farmer
EV Farms – Our farm has been in business since the 1940’s. It was started by my Grandpa. He began in dairy, then changed to seed potatoes. My father raised seed potatoes all his life along with alfalfa, wheat, barley, and about 60 head of beef cows. We are a fairly small operation and we like it that way. When the seed potato business started to let us down, and my dad passed away, we decided to get out of the potatoes and find something else to raise. A little over four years ago, I met David Sands and he told about the emerging gluten-free world and took me to tour Montana Gluten Free. In 2016, we joined Montana Gluten Free as farmers and are looking forward to continuing to work together in the future.

Jim Hubbard (JH)Farmer
Grace Idaho

Marc Lee (L)Farmer
Spring Coulee Creek Farm – Growing organic PrOatina near Choteau, MT.

Jody Manuel (JM)Farmer
Havre Montana

Marlow Mickelson (MM)Farmer

Adam Olson (O)Farmer
DBO Farms in Fort Benton, Montana joined Montana Gluten Free as a grower in 2017.

Nate Powell-Palm (P)Farmer
Powell-Palm – Nate Powell-Palm obtained his organic certification as a junior in high school, making him the state’s youngest certified organic farmer at the time. He is currently the president of the Montana Organic Producers Co-op and began growing with Montana Gluten Free in 2016.

Trevor and Cassie Smieja (S)Farmers
Smeija Hay and Grain – Just outside of Bozeman, the Smieja family grows organic and conventional PrOatina oats for Montana Gluten Free.

Mike Tinge (T)Farmer
Grace Idaho
Jared Albus (AB)Farmer
Albus Brothers Partnership in Hinsdale, Montana joined Montana Gluten Free as a grower in 2017 growing organic PrOatina oats.
Jerry ArnoldFarmer
Hinsdale Montana
Chad Bowman (CB)Farmer
Saco Montana
Doug Crabtree & Anna Jones (C)Farmer
Havre Montana
Vilicus Farms officially started from scratch in 2009 when Doug and Anna purchased 1,280 acres of Northern Great Plains prairie off the open market with 20 years of savings and lots of hutzpah. In 2005, Doug and Anna recognized the emerging opportunities in the organic market and began drafting their vision of a model organic farm that would push the boundaries of conservation and sustainability.
Photo credit:
Vilicus Farms officially started from scratch in 2009 when Doug and Anna purchased 1,280 acres of Northern Great Plains prairie off the open market with 20 years of savings and lots of hutzpah. In 2005, Doug and Anna recognized the emerging opportunities in the organic market and began drafting their vision of a model organic farm that would push the boundaries of conservation and sustainability.
Photo credit:
Mike & Paul McColly (MC)Farmer
Hinsdale Montana
Brandan & Mariah O'Halloran (M)Farmer
Maple Runner Organics in Lewistown, Montana joined Montana Gluten Free as a grower in 2017 growing organic PrOatina oats.
Luke & Angie Walling (LW)Farmer
Malta Montana